With such a long absence, happy to have this Bindlegrim interview Halloween Art, Decor, and More with Bumble Bindlegrim show up today on Happy Halloween on squidoo. Please stop by for a quick read, and afterward spend lots of time on their website - amazingly packed full of Halloween ideas and goodies!
By the way, if you have been tuning in Bindlegrim Halloween radio on live365.com for those old Halloween tunes, I may have mentioned in a couple of tweets, since the last blog post, the addition of three more tune, this time with a most devlish theme.

First there's a rollicking jazz tune called Putting Salt on the Devil's Tail by Jack Teargarden with fun lyrics such as "I'm going to throw salt on the devil's tail to slow that old boy down." (Anyone have an idea what that might mean)? Second, is an upbeat tune There's Gonna Be the Devil to Pay performed by Willie "The Lion" Smith. (And while I will likely include the version by another stride style artist Fats Waller (for the lyrics) in future, the raucous instrumental by Willie Smith is just too amazing to pass up). And then finally, third, a much quieter tune, but with a ton of slow strolling attitude, is Pagin' the Devil by the Kansas City Six. May the musical selection bedevil ya!
Oh, and one final note. There also was some fun to be had recently playing curator on etsy since the last blog post. Bindlegrim played curator finding Halloween themed items that went beyond the standard colors of orange and black. If you get a chance check out the artists collected here that expand the typical Halloween color schemes: