Monday, May 16, 2011

A Brief History of the Pumpkin Dream (Part 3) - Dimensional Trauma

A continuation from A Brief History of The Pumpkin Dream (Part 2)

After finishing the handmade booklet (2006) of the poem, then called October Dreams: A Cautionary Tale, there was a sense that in some way the poem itself was generally complete. However, on occasion, when the next Halloween would roll around, as part of my seasonal tradition, I would fire up my clunky laptop (or scribble on a printed version) with tweaks of word choice or narrative... (and there were still bits of cut verses that lingered at the back of the documents, and I suppose these alone were telling me that I was not yet done: see Paragraphs of Yellowed Print).

In 2010, Halloween coming around again, I was making a fateful push to instead create 3D objects, but at the time (after much hair pulling), decided not to pursue until I had a better sense for the process. (Hopefully, I can pick some of those up again as I slowly learn from other paper casters about materials)...

Halloween Bas-Relief (2010)
Sculpey bas-relief that I had attempted to turn into paper casting of same,
(I plan to rethink those legs)...

Head amongst Heads
Is that a tear in your eye abandoned, and incomplete pumpkin-witch bobble....?

Bobble Phalanx
An army of incomplete bobble Christmas elves (plaster cast).

The result of what you see pictured above? I returned to writing and working on my standard holiday tradition of the poem, this year though determined to have it ready by May of 2011 before the next 2011 Halloween. I was boosted by the few months previous of intense sketching in my notebooks (for the aforementioned 3D projects), that with a surprising conclusion told me I needed to completely illustrate my poem.

That story could be a number of entries (of trial and error) in itself. On to part 4.

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